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Find the Perfect Dog Cake in Sendai: Treat Your Pup to Something Special


As pet owners, our furry friends are an integral part of our family. Celebrating their birthdays and anniversaries is just as important as any other member’s milestone. However, it’s crucial to be mindful of what we feed them. Several human foods can be harmful to dogs. To ensure their safety and optimal health, it’s best to stick to a dog food diet.

But why not make the occasion more special by treating them to a delectable cake? If you’re unsure of what to get or where to buy, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a list of shops in Sendai that sell cakes and treats that are specifically designed for dogs!

At these specialty stores, you’ll be amazed at the wide range of delicious and visually appealing cakes available. From authentic-looking decorated cakes to unique dog tulle, there’s something for every dog’s taste buds. These cakes are not only tasty but also safe for them to consume.


‘Doggy cake shop, GREENWOOD’.

Doggy Cake Shop GREENWOOD is located in Chomeigaoka, Sendai, and specialises in dog cakes!


If you’re looking for a safe and tasty cake for your furry friend, look no further! These decorated cakes are specifically crafted with your dog’s health and happiness in mind. They’re made with carefully selected ingredients that are not only delicious but also allergy-friendly.

The owner of this specialty cake shop is a true dog lover who has participated in national dog shows. With a deep understanding of dogs’ dietary needs, they have created a range of cakes that cater to every canine’s taste buds. Your furry friend will be in doggy heaven with these delectable treats.

Rest assured that the cakes are made with only the best and most nutritious ingredients. They’re designed to be both delicious and beneficial to your dog’s health. Your furry friend deserves the very best, and these cakes are a perfect way to show your love.

In conclusion, if you’re searching for a safe and tasty cake option for your beloved dog, look no further than these carefully crafted and allergy-friendly cakes. They’re made with love and expertise by a dedicated dog lover who understands your pet’s unique needs.


S Kei
ローカルガイド · 62 件のクチコミ

2 年前

全国のドッグショーにも出られるオーナー様の犬が大好きなんだなー。が伝わる応援したくなるようなお店です。犬の事を知り尽くしているからの安心できる店舗。 この日は愛犬のチワワをブリーダーから迎え入れた1年目の記念日のケーキを買いに伺いました。 アレルギー検査の内容をお伝えしアドバイスをいただきながらチョイス。 しっかりと完食した翌日もお腹の調子を崩す事もなく安心。食べ物ですので体調を含めて合う合わないは少なからずあるかと思いますが、私はオススメです。






You can find this shop opposite Kawachi Pharmacy.


Official Instagram here.



It seems to be closed on Mondays and Thursdays.


Opening hours are.



How much is the cake?

The price of the cake, which is of interest, is like this when you see it posted in front of the shop.


Horse meat base   \3,100~
Venison-based    \2,800~
Poultry-based     \2,500~
Based on sweet potato \2,500~
Meat mini cakes    \700~
*Additional sales tax will be added.
*Order cakes must be booked in advance.


The cakes here look like sweets, but the base is meat and sweet potatoes, and the colourful, pretty decorations are made from vegetables.

This makes it safe for your dog to eat!

Of course, the price depends on the size.




Numerous photos of the cakes have been uploaded on the official Instagram.
They all look lovely and delicious.

They also sell other snacks.

It is also a fun way to enjoy a memorable birthday party with your loved ones!



Dog cakes are also available in the DIY shop Sunday!

“Discover a Surprising New Addition to Sunday DIY Shop’s Pet Section – Frozen Cakes for Dogs and Humans Alike!”

Attention all dog owners! There’s an exciting new product in town that you won’t want to miss. Sunday, the popular DIY shop, has recently introduced a dog cake section in its pet section. Located in the heart of Wholesale Town, this new addition is sure to delight pet owners looking to treat their furry friends to something special.

These cakes are not your typical baked goods. They’re sold as frozen food and are suitable for both humans and dogs to eat. Imagine sharing a cake with your furry friend on a special occasion – it’s sure to create unforgettable memories!

These frozen cakes are made by a manufacturer called Comif, who has carefully crafted them with high-quality ingredients that are both safe and delicious. You can trust that they’re a nutritious treat that your dog will love.

In conclusion, Sunday DIY Shop’s new dog cake section is a game-changer for pet owners looking to treat their furry friends to something special. These frozen cakes are a unique and surprising addition that will surely make your dog’s tail wag with excitement. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to share a cake with your furry friend!



Comif’s Sweets & Deli are frozen products that are manufactured in quality-controlled food plants under the same standards as the food we eat.
This is why, unlike dog food, we even reveal detailed labelling of ingredients.
Furthermore, the selection of ingredients and calories are taken into consideration, and we try to produce products with as little sugar, salt, milk, animal fats and oils as possible.


Eating together as a family is a special experience that creates cherished memories. And what’s even better is being able to share the same food with your furry family member! Comif, a trusted manufacturer of frozen cakes, has made this possible with their delicious and safe cakes for both humans and dogs.

Whether it’s a birthday party or a special occasion, cutting up a whole cake and sharing it with your furry friend is sure to bring joy to everyone. Your children will be thrilled to indulge in a tasty treat with their beloved pet.

But how much should you feed your furry friend? Don’t worry – Comif has got you covered. Their official website provides detailed product information, including the standard amount of food your dog should consume according to their weight. Use this as a reference when deciding on the amount to feed your furry friend.

In conclusion, Comif’s cakes for dogs and humans are a fantastic way to share a delicious and memorable experience with your furry family member. It’s heartwarming to see our pets being treated like a member of the family, and these cakes are a great way to do just that. Enjoy the special moments with your furry friend and create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime.




It’s exciting to see the gorgeous cakes.


This is what the sales floor looks like at the wholesale home centre Sunday.

It is also surprisingly affordable!


Celebrate your anniversary with your beloved furry family member with a special cake that will make a page in your memory! Comif’s cakes are not only safe for dogs, but also for small children, as they are made with carefully selected and allergy-friendly ingredients. This means that you and your children can indulge in a tasty treat with your furry friend and create unforgettable memories together.

Sharing food with your furry family member is a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your pet. And what’s even better is being able to share the same food with your children! With Comif’s cakes, your children can enjoy a delicious and safe treat with their favourite dog. It’s a fun way to create special moments and memories that will last a lifetime.

In conclusion, Comif’s special cakes are the perfect way to celebrate your family and your furry friend. Whether it’s an anniversary, a birthday, or any special occasion, sharing a cake with your furry family member is a heartwarming experience that you and your loved ones will cherish forever.


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